Summary of the preaching

Sunday, November 26, 2023 – Apostle Billey.

Every prayer of God’s children, born again – must be based on God’s word.

Why? There are several reasons for this:

** God is the author of all creation.

** We will know nothing unless God reveals it to us.

** Nothing would exist without God.

** Everything in us is created by God – so there’s nothing beyond us that doesn’t come from God.

So whoever knows this revelation will go through God for everything. He will rely on God – on his word in all his prayers.

God’s word is God

God is invisible, which is why he gave us his word. And everything he says is what we have to do.

To accept God is to accept his Word.

The problem in this world is not lack of money, work or anything else, it’s lack of relationship with God.

Anyone who believes in himself, but is disconnected from God, won’t get very far.

Whoever wants to have a relationship with God must accept the word and walk according to it.

We don’t have a relationship with God like a human being. We can’t have a relationship with God without his word. He who rejects God’s word rejects God.

Now, he who rejects God has no life, but misery, collapse…

Whoever is attentive to the word is attentive to God.

He who is distracted while speaking is distracted with God. For God is his Word.

Man has the ability to speak, because God speaks – He created us.

When man speaks and God speaks – who takes precedence?

Most of the time – on man, because we can see him, but God is invisible.

The emphasis is on man, so much so that God is overlooked.

Yet walking with a man also means accepting his word.

Consider when people are friends, it’s because they accept each other’s word.

What makes the relationship solid is the mutual acceptance of the word.

What makes a relationship solid is not the fact of seeing each other, but accepting the other’s word.

If you don’t have Jesus, you don’t have life.

He speaks through the scriptures – through his servants.

When we say “I want to walk with God” – that is, we want to walk in his word.

If God doesn’t speak, we’ll be lost.

God is invisible – he can speak in many ways: through the Scriptures, through his servants, through the brothers, in your heart, in visions, in dreams…

Since God is invisible, we shouldn’t expect to see him visibly.

We must learn to see God in spirit, that is, with the eyes of the heart that we all have.

Ephesians 1:17-18

17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,

18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

How do you get to know someone who is invisible?
By what it says.
** May… The Father of glory give you a spirit of wisdom :
When a person seeks to please God – he is said to be wise.
If the spirit of wisdom exists, then the opposite spirit exists.
He who does not seek God/ to do things as God wills – he has a fool’s mind.
To seek God is to seek what he says – to accept and practice that.
And his word must abide in us, for we are the house, the temple, the dwelling, the villa of God.
Failure to understand this leads to wandering.

When God speaks through someone – it’s forbidden to close your ears – to be distracted.
This is not recommended, as this is the time to receive knowledge, so you need to pay attention.

** 18. And may it brighten the eyes of your heart:
It is with the eyes of the heart that we see God – that we perceive the things of God – what he says to us.

** so that you may know the hope that attaches to his call:
How to find out?
It’s absolutely necessary to use the eyes of the heart to have this hope – to know the things of God.

** what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance that he reserves for the saints:

To take hold of the inheritance we have in God, we also need the eyes of our heart to be enlightened.
Then begins the transformation, the blessing…

So how does the Christian gain access to His blessings?
God is invisible. What to do?

God will therefore send his word – Ps 107.20- He sent his word and healed them…

But isn’t speech invisible too?
It may be invisible, but it is expressive.

The word is God’s expression – it’s what he says. She does God’s will. It creates, it’s not empty, it’s powerful.
By receiving his word. Whoever receives his word has received God himself.

Whenever I perceive God’s will in my heart – then that will will set me free.
That’s what we call truth.

Beloved, if you hear, for example: Moscow Paris – Hamburger…
That very second – you see something that comes to mind. It becomes visible in you.

So the invisible word of God must be visible in my heart, in my mind.
Then, when it becomes visible in me – when I can stand on it to pray – this word becomes my foundation.
Then faith will appear.

Hebrews 11.1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

So as soon as I see by faith, I pray with assurance.

That’s how we take victory, how we destroy the works of darkness.

It’s essential to get the word into the heart before praying, otherwise the prayer will be ineffective.

Consider this:

Acts 26:17-18

17 I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you,

18 to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.

** so that you can open their eyes.
The Lord, says “If you open their eyes – they will be able to turn from darkness to light and from Satan’s power to God…”
The first step is to open the eyes of the heart.

Let’s take this example again:

1 Corinthians 6.20
For you were bought at a price Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

If Jesus redeemed me – that means I’m with Him. You need to see this.

When this word becomes visible in you – that’s what we call the foundation – the rock. So you base your prayers on that.
And everything that comes out of your prayer – we call that Truth.

So we have to see first and then tell/talk/pray.

This will help you develop your prayer:

Redeemed = I belong to Jesus – I’m covered/protected – I’m safe – I walk in assurance – I’m forgiven – I have joy – I’m blessed – I don’t have to worry – no more lamentations – I have strength – peace – victory.

And base your prayer on all this by making all kinds of prayers: thanks, declarations, prayers of combat, adoration, intercession…

A single verse can lead to several types of prayer so profound.

Beloved, there is no darkness that God’s word cannot penetrate to deliver his children.


Lord Jesus, you have redeemed me.
I am forgiven.
I’m saved.
I’m protected – I’m safe.

I walk with confidence – I reject all anxiety.

Jesus is my shield – my shelter – my shepherd.

I am blessed – I am your possession Lord Jesus.

I have peace – I have victory.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

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