Summary of preaching
Sunday December 18, 2022 – Apostle Billey.
Mark 10:46-52 – Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus
And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
This story presents us with yet another case where God exercised his mercy.
This blind man cried out for God’s mercy, because he could not deliver himself from this problem.
So he called upon the Lord, the Son of God with all his heart. He was determined to get out of it, he could not see, but he made an effort. Yet even as he groped, he went to Jesus despite the opposition of the crowd.
What did Jesus do?
He showed his mercy – He did not hesitate, he asked him what he wanted.
It is important to note that even though Jesus saw that Bartimaeus was blind, he still asked him what he wanted.
So when we come before Jesus with our needs, we must be specific in our requests. We must open our hearts to tell him all things, relying on his mercy.
Jesus is the Lord of mercy, whatever situation you are going through the Lord is able to deliver you and will deliver you.
There are many kinds of situations you may face, spiritual or physical, a habit of sin, weakness in your prayer life, your relationship with the Lord, your way of life, lamentations in your heart, spiritual oppressions, difficulties in your home, illness…
What should you do?
All you have to do is to cry out to him, cry out for the mercy of the Lord and he will deliver you. The God of mercy will rescue you.
Even if you face a recurring sin in your life, it can be sexual sin or any other.
You must not reason, because your body is the temple of God, you must cry out to Jesus.
Sin, no sin is for you, because you are bound to God and God is bound to you. Sin is for the world, not for the children of God.
Pornography, lust, masturbation, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, pride, idolatry, selfishness, anger, unforgiveness, hatred… All of these things must leave our lives. All these things must be rejected at the end of this year.
The Lord does not like sin. Don’t hide anything from the Lord, don’t hide the evil, your weaknesses from the Lord.
And from any situation, until the Lord delivers you PERSISTIALLY in prayer.
What does the Lord want?
What God wants is for you to have a true relationship with him. The Lord does not want you to follow him for the sake of this world’s goods, for money….
He is the God of mercy, what he wants is a holy church that seeks the heart of God.
Jesus loves us, we must respond to this love by doing what is good and right. We must not compromise our lives. Jesus is so merciful and very powerful.
Eternal life, holiness is yours in Christ, so you must do your part.
Lord Jesus, you are my life, my Lord
You are my king, my master, the Lord of mercy.
Thank you for my life.
May the evil in me be torn away by your mighty hand.
Lord, forgive me of all my sins.
Wash me and deliver me by your blood.
There are things in me that fight against me, that oppose you…
Lord save me from my condition.
Son of God Have mercy on my life, my family, my home, my children…
Show your mercy in every area of my life.
What you want is a holy church, you want me to be holy,
Help me to worship you in holiness, help me to abide in your holiness;
Help me to walk with you in your light throughout this week.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Amen !