Luke 10.42

But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.


I bless the name of the Lord Jesus for His powerful word received week after week, transforming me for His glory.

After being taught through the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42. In that: “My Redeemer must have priority in my life because I belong to Him.”

It touched me deeply and I prayed about this teaching all week long, and the Lord glorified Himself.

On Thursday, I went to work as usual. And finally, it was decided to free me for the rest of the day. Normally, I work until 5.30pm, but she let me go at 10.30am.

I was delighted. But as I drove home, I remembered that I had to put the Lord first, and I was determined to do so. So I prayed to the Lord, asking him to guide me for the rest of the day, because I didn’t want to go back to my old ways.

That’s how the Lord set my heart on going to the “Central Light” prayer mountain. When I arrived, I began to give thanks to the Lord, His presence was palpable. So much so that I praised and adored my Redeemer for over two hours without even realizing it. I was surrounded by the presence of the Lord Jesus.

I was in deep joy and felt a greater thirst for him. I didn’t want to go home right away so I wouldn’t be distracted.

And while I was still praying, I had my heart set on evangelizing. So I went to a supermarket near my home. So I evangelized and prayed until the end of the day.

While I was evangelizing, I wasn’t afraid, I distributed evangelistic tracts to souls with determination. It was a wonderful experience.

I bless the Lord for this teaching. I’m learning to put the Lord first. My Redeemer Jesus fills me with His presence, and I am deeply grateful to Him. Hallelujah.


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