Friday, August 23, 2024-Apostle BILLEY
Colossians 3
23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,
24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; For you serve the Lord Christ.
Lack of knowledge makes you weak. But accepting the revelation of the Word gives knowledge.
And it is this knowledge that gives Man faith, power and determination.
Knowledge is not received by the laying on of hands. It’s by opening your heart and accepting the Word.
The secret, the strength of the Christian, lies in the Word.
The Christian must therefore be attentive when listening to the Word.
Whatever level he wants to reach, he must learn to receive knowledge, learn to accept the revealed Word.
And the revealed Word is the light, it’s what restores, it’s what connects to God.
That’s why God’s Word is our foundation.
The state of mind, the mindset that the Christian must have, is everything that God has said, he receives that in the heart. It becomes the connection with God. This is also known as the spirit.
It’s not the Holy Spirit first.
The Word accepted in the heart becomes the connection with God.
It’s not a single connection; it’s every time the Christian receives and accepts the Word of God in his heart, then he’ll be evolving, growing.
So we must not be forgetful listeners, but develop Godly mindset.
In our walk with the Lord, the mindset we must have is very crucial.
** How can we develop Godly mindset ?
Colossians 3
23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,
24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; For you serve the Lord Christ.
As soon as the Lord has spoken a Word to me, I accept it and decide to change my habits.
And from now on to do everything for Him.
Developing a Godly mindset means rapid assistance, rapid manifestation of God’s goodness.
On a natural level, when you’re on the phone, sometimes the network is better in some places than in others.
Why is this so?
When there’s no network, it means the antenna is a long way from that location.
Similarly, when the network is excellent, it means that the antenna is close by.
So the closer you get to the antenna, the better the network.
So the closer we get to God, the clearer our communication with Him becomes.
But all this requires the determination and decision of those who want to walk with God. This means leaving behind certain habits, certain mindset that don’t favor this walk with God.
For example, shame in someone can prevent them from raising their voice in prayer; or even from asking for things, preventing them from taking steps…
All this shame will prevent the person from receiving certain privileges.
That’s what we call a mindset.
A person filled with pride thinks he’s above everyone else, so he won’t stoop to ask for things, or get information.
Such a person, when he comes to Christ, if he doesn’t change, it will prevent him from living as he should with God. Now he has become light.
Ephesians 5.8
Once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
We’ve switched sides. And all mankind has to change sides to get to heaven.
So we must not envy the pagans in their thefts, in their ways.
Don’t envy your bosses or managers because they have big cars, nice houses…
No, don’t do that.
The Christian must never envy the pagan, because of what he carries in Jesus.
Our state of mind, our way of seeing things, our mindset, were developed before we were in Christ, in our families, when we were at school, in high school…
And so much so that this state of mind even fights the Truth.
You can meet someone, and preach the gospel to him, if you ask him if he knows he’s a sinner.
He won’t admit it. He’s just sinned a few minutes before without even realizing it.
What does it do?
This is darkness.
It’s mostly developed through the mindset, the state of mind of the person.
It’s important to note that when we convert, God forgives us of all our sins and their consequences.
However, the habit/mindset may still be present in the person’s heart, or the state of mind may not yet have changed.
It can be the mindset of selfishness, jealousy, arrogance, pride, fornication…
So despite the fact that a person has just been converted, he or she can still continue to sin.
What does this is what we call the mindset, the state of mind, the sinful nature.
You acquire it in the world.
It’s this mindset that needs to change.
And the more this mindset changes, the more the Christian will live as God wants.
Colossians 3
23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.
The Christian must therefore know that according to his new identity, everything he does must be from the heart.
So I have to change my way of doing things and take on this new mindset.
The old way was that I did things only for myself, to be seen, to win something, to be appreciated, to be seen by others…
Or when peolple didn’t do or say what we wanted, we rejected them.
Now, the new mindset is that I must not do to be seen, but only for the glory of the Lord, and with all my heart.
And this applies no matter what I’m doing, whether I’m cooking, helping someone, checking up on someone, taking someone for a drive…;
If I go to assist a bereaved person, it’s for the Lord;
If I take part in the activities of an association, it’s to bring light to it; if I serve in church, it’s to please the Lord.
Even your children, your spouse, you must see them with the new mindset, knowing that they are not yours but belong to the Lord.
Or, when someone doesn’t do or say what I want, I continue to love them, to do them good.
What should animate us when we visit our families is to bring them light, compassion and the Word of God.
So, by living in this new mindset, it will start to form in me and that will make me strong.
You are light!
Light doesn’t compromise, it’s powerful, it’s categorical, it pierces the darkness, it’s not flexible, it’s not corruptible, it’s not weak…
The fastest thing in the world is the Word of God in the heart of Man.
Because it transforms rapidly, more than anything else.
So why doesn’t the Word seem to move quickly in our hearts?
It’s when the Christian has, for example, a money-loving mindset. He wants to build multiple houses, buildings. So that’s what he’s after.
1 Timothy 6 .10 For the love of money is the root of all evil; and some, being possessed by it, have gone astray from the faith, and have thrown themselves into much torment.
Some are afraid to make a real commitment to the Lord because of their mindset. This fear comes from darkness.
For he who has tasted light, who has tasted God, can only ask for more light; he who has seen the Lord Jesus, can only pray to see more.
God is not corruptible; he knows our intentions. So we must adjust our hearts, our mindsets so that the Lord is glorified totally.
Praise and thanksgiving to God is also a question of mindset.
He who is not free in heart cannot bless or praise God.
Some don’t give their tithes or offerings; it’s all about their state of mind.
The enemy has corrupted their mindset, so they think they’ll be giving to men. We give wholeheartedly to God for His work. (2 Corinthians 9:7-12)
Those who think they haven’t yet received what they expected from God will find it hard to praise the Lord. For them, God has not yet done.
It’s not a good mindset.
Why do we praise the Lord, why do we adore him?
What makes it possible to praise and adore God for hours on end without stopping is when the Christian understands that he belongs to God, that he has been redeemed and that everything in him must glorify God.
This is the mindset, the state of mind in Christ to have.
What we don’t give to God is what the devil attacks.
What belongs to God, no one can touch.
It’s God himself who, in this case, is the strong man. So can the devil succeed?
Beloved, we belong to the Lord, these are not empty words.
Our hope is not on this earth.
We must love the Word, love God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit more than anyone else on this earth.
We must free ourselves to love him wholeheartedly, for we owe him everything. It’s the state of mind of light.
Whoever understands this will be delivered from all the sadness and oppression of this world. He’ll have no problem praising and worshipping God for hours on end, without complaint.
He will be like a tree planted by a stream of water that bears fruit in every season.
O Lord, I regret all my works of darkness… Forgive me… (Mention them all with all your heart)
On this rock :
- The Light of God must shine in me completely….
- The power of the Light of the Lord Jesus manifests itself in me…
- The light of holiness, the light of love, of knowledge, of faith is within me…
- The Light of life manifests itself abundantly in me…
- The power of God’s Light in me (revelation of the Word in me) destroys all darkness…
- I decree the mentality of Heaven in me…
- The power of (…darkness…) in me is destroyed now….
- Lord Jesus, HELP ME to love you deeply