Friday 4 October 2024.
Apostle BILLEY.
Psalm 30
2 I will extol You, O Lord, for You have lifted me up, And have not let my foes rejoice over me.
3 O Lord my God ! I cried out to You, And You healed me.
4 O Lord, You brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.
Since God is invisible to our eyes, we cannot walk with him with human understanding, but rather in spirit.
And to do this, you have to learn by doing. We don’t have to live in theology. Otherwise, it’s a relationship that doesn’t really exist.
David and many others experienced a true relationship with God. And it’s possible for you too, to live and walk in the spirit, for the Lord is alive.
Ps 30.2 I will extol You, O Lord, for You have lifted me up, And have not let my foes rejoice over me.
For David to be lifted up by God, there was something he put in place to achieve this result.
So what did David do first so that he could exalt God?
He has learned to rely on God’s Words. For example, he kept in his heart that God is with him, and this word became a rock for him. A rock on which he leans to live seriously every day, without doubting.
So much so, that when David was going through difficulties, he kept leaning on the Rock, and God lifted him up, (“You did not want my enemies to rejoice over me”).
1/ David relied on God’s promises, the rock, God’s word.
2/ He exposed his difficulties to the Lord.
3/ God raised him up.
4/ David praised God for his blessings.
This is what we call experiencing the presence of God. Going into the Presence of God consists of all these steps. It’s also called walking with God.
A car is bought by its owner for various reasons, for example to transport him or her. And as long as the car is useful to him, he’ll maintain it properly.
That is to say, as this car is used to get him quickly from point A to point B. So, he’s going to clean it, fill it with gasoline and do the maintenance.
But if this car is no longer in operation, all this will no longer be done, because it will no longer be useful.
We are God’s property, for a purpose, for very specific reasons. God in his love, he shows his presence, his love to all mankind.
But the secret for a Christian is to understand the heart of God, then the Lord will act in a special way in his life, more than for a pagan.
And for the pagan to also benefit from his goodness, all he has to do is repent and come to Christ.
Beloved, God doesn’t want to lose you, you belong to him. Learn to pray according to his way, in order to get results.
God answers our prayers, as long as it’s in the right way.
Your way of praying must be effective. We must never pray at random, with distracted thoughts.
Prayer is a spiritual activity, not a carnal one. It’s the spirit speaking to the Spirit.
It’s a communication between two (God and me) and four in truth (The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and me).
We’re talking to the Almighty God who created heaven and earth, and to whom everything belongs.
Ps 30.3 O Lord my God ! I cried out to You, And You healed me.
David was sincere when he prayed, he was serious, focused. He cried out to God with all his heart, according to God’s way.
How do you do it? He says, LORD my God. He bases himself on the Word, God is his Word.
Ps 30. 4 O Lord, You brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.
David stood on the pillar, on God’s promises, despite the serious situation he was going through. He was aware that God was with him, he had decided to make God his refuge, his shield, so he knew God would act. So he had faith in God.
This kind of prayer gives peace, joy, assurance and faith. It even allows you to laugh at your enemies, because fear would flee if it appeared.
Any prayer we make must push us forward, otherwise it’s not made on the rock.
Beloved, let us remember that when Paul and Silas were thrown into prison, they were able to praise God.
Acts 16:25 About midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang the praises of God, and the prisoners heard them.
** How was this possible while they were in prison?
- They remained on the pillar: they belong to God.
- They kept their thoughts on the Lord, remembering His benefits.
- Then they could praise the Lord.
- And so they were rescued by God.
Acts 16.26 Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; at the same moment all the doors were opened, and the bonds of all the prisoners were broken.
So in any situation, we must :
1/ Standing on the Pillar, the Rock, His Word revealed in us, God’s promises.
For example, 1 Corinthians 6.20 For you were bought with a high price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
We belong to God 100%, we are redeemed.
2/ Keep our thoughts on Him, then we can tell Him the reasons for our praise or request.
3/ Learn to listen to him within ourselves, for the Lord will respond, He will act.
As God’s children, if we do this, God’s heaven will move to us. God’s presence will be effective in our lives.
Father, You have redeemed me for You.
Help me to glorify you every day.
Lord, I belong to You.
May my soul remain connected to You,
Help me to walk with You,
To lean on your Word every day,
You are my Rock,
I want to have a true relationship with You.
Lord Jesus, HELP ME to love you deeply
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.