Friday, November 29, 2024.
Apostle Billey.
2 Corinthians 5. 7
for we walk by faith, not by sight.
The “we” is put for the redeemed. After being redeemed, the walk is by faith.
2 Corinthians 4.
18 While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
Who has to look at invisible things? The redeemed.
This means that all those who are redeemed must always seek the invisible things.
Invisible things are visible only through faith. Faith comes from the Word.
So the word of Christ that we hear and receive will produce faith. And this faith will enable us to walk.
Walking through the Word received is what we call faith.
The practice of faith is the demonstration of the Word we have received.
Someone is said to have faith when he practices or walks according to the Word he has received.
Based on what I’ve heard, my faith will bear fruit.
Hebrews 11.6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him…
Who are those who are allowed to be pleasing to God? The redeemed.
How to have faith? Listening to the word and putting it into oneself. So it’s easy to be pleasing to God.
Whoever receives the Word but does not walk by It, it means that this person has no faith, even if he has the Word in him.
Because whoever keeps the Word but doesn’t put it into practice doesn’t have faith.
James 2.17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
James says that faith is shown by its works.
Likewise, a body without a spirit is dead. So a Christian without faith, or without a demonstration of faith, his faith is dead.
James 2.26 As the body without the soul is dead, so faith without works is dead.
Faith allows us to see. Not the physical view, but the view of the mind.
We must always see ourselves as the exclusive property of Jesus.
2 Corinthians 5. 7 for we walk by faith, not by sight.
– Then I can look at Christ’s heart, His desires for me.
With our hearts, we can see. This is the spiritual eye.
And the moment I begin to see the desires of Christ’s heart, it means my heart is connected to God.
And when I look at the heart of Christ and keep looking, and pray according to what I see, that’s how I would be delivered.
But you have to be on the Rock to see God’s heart.
Everything we see is a point of prayer.
We need to take this very seriously. Everything I see that also penetrates my heart means it’s inside me. For example, if it’s compassion for souls, then I have that compassion in me in a real and true way.
Beloved, let’s take a practical example from Psalm 23.
Psalm 23
1 The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul, He leads me in paths of righteousness, For His name’s sake.
David experienced God. He had faith in God. This is the faith we must have.
What is in the heart of Jesus your shepherd for you? It’s only when you look through the heart that you can see it.
To see God, it’s not physically, but it’s in spirit, it’s with your heart.
Beloved, suppose you’re with a friend who says: “I’m going to the bakery to buy some bread.
While he’s gone, what do you see in the meantime? While you wait, before he comes back, you can already see him with this bread.
Can’t you see yourself eating bread soon? Before the bread arrives, can’t you smell it?
It’s the same in spirit. Jesus is my shepherd. What do I see?
For David, the Shepherd was not physically there, but he certainly believed in His presence with him.
We, on the other hand, want to see physically before we believe.
Beloved, we do not walk by sight but by faith.
This is where the Christian problem lies. It’s not sin. For we have the medicine of sin.
The medicine for sin is the blood of Jesus.
So what else can go wrong after we’ve been forgiven?
It’s how we connect with God. It’s the relationship with God.
It must be Spirit to spirit. God is Spirit, and we are spirits too. And we need to communicate.
What is the medicine of doubt? This is not the blood of Jesus. It’s faith, it’s forcing yourself to believe.
What is blindness medicine? It’s about forcing yourself to see.
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have no physical body.
We see God in spirit, with the eyes of the heart.
If you know how to put this into practice, then quickly, there will be a transformation.
Whoever is on the Rock, his life becomes a testament. He is not afraid because he has trained himself to see God’s heart.
The Christian who is always in the same problems for a long time is not following God’s instructions.
How to put it into practice?
1/- By staying on the Rock,
2/- Looking out for Jesus’ interests,
3/- By looking at God’s heart.
So what you’re about to see from Jesus is for you; victory will always be on your side.
God’s heart is His word, so when you see the heart of Jesus, and you pray in relation to that.
One of the problems Christians have is ignoring His presence.
Redeemed, God is with us at home, but we only see the television, the food, the rice, the bread, the fridge, the bed, the furniture… at home. We look at everything visible, but not at Jesus, who is invisible. However, we can already see our menu for the next day, the next week…
That’s why there’s no faith. Then we become weak. The problem is that we miss the connection with the Lord.
The problem is not primarily sin. Although obviously the one who is not in connection with the Lord becomes weak, and when one is weak one will sin.
But when we are aware that the Lord Jesus is in us and with us, and we develop this communion. This relationship with Him will grow continually and progressively. It will become firm and deep.
David wasn’t afraid, because he trained himself to see God with his heart.
Beloved, we neglect our spirits, we forget that we are spirits.
With the eyes of our hearts, we can see Him constantly and communicate with Him, entrusting everything to Him. God is present.
Seeing God through the heart will take you to heaven. Walking with God is not complicated. On the Rock, we pray with ease.
God is our Father and we are His children. A child is closer to a father than a servant. We need to work on our communion with Him at home.
Consider this testimony:
A brother saw his angel, and he was full of confidence. At church, he was full of zeal and enthusiasm. Always full of joy, singing and celebrating God.
Then one morning, he woke up and couldn’t see his angel. He looked and looked, but nothing. He was sad about it and started to worry. As the hours passed, he lost his joy, his enthusiasm, he no longer praised God with zest.
And finally, a few days later, one morning, he saw his angel again. So he was very happy, but the angel was not.
And he asked the angel, “But where have you been, I’ve been looking everywhere for you…”. The angel told him that he had never left, that he was always there with him.
It was from there that this brother understood what was written in God’s word.
2 Corinthians 5. 7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.
The brother’s joy was based on what was visible. Since he could no longer see his angel, he felt alone. And his praise was bland.
That’s the problem with many Christians.
We don’t see God physically, but He is present.
How can we make this a reality?
You have to practice by looking at God in your mind at all times. You have to work at it in your heart.
In the brother’s example, he had to say to himself that whether I see the angel or not, I still trust in God. For He has promised that He is always with me.
God is there with each and every one of us. What is He doing? He watches over me, He’s ready to teach me to pray, He wants me to praise Him…
Let’s not wait to hear a voice, or for Him to touch us physically. God is not a man.
God speaks, and what we need is in His heart. It’s the heart of God that we call the Word.
From the moment you can see God’s heart, you know that He loves you, that He has His hand on you…
So what’s next? Make this a point of prayer.
The relationship will be established. God lives, He can feel, He can rejoice. You can also sadden Him.
Beloved, our relationship with God doesn’t have to be mechanical, otherwise it’ll be dry at some point.
Communicate with Him, you can bring joy to God. He wants to take His church to a very high level.
Lord Jesus, you are my Rock.
You are the foundation of my life.
You redeemed me.
May my faith in you not be weakened.
May it be established for You.
Lord, I belong to you.
May my love for you grow stronger every day.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.