Sunday, October 20, 2024
Apostle BILLEY.
1 Corinthians 6.20
For you were bought at a price; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
We must understand the Word according to God’s way. It is possible to live in victory in Christ Jesus.
God’s way is God’s way.
We have to take it and run with it.
We have to accept that everything in us belongs to God.
We are spirits, created by God who is also Spirit.
We have two natures: spiritual and physical.
And both belong to God, as does everything associated with it.
Because we also have a body, that’s why we need physical bread to support it.
Whoever understands with all his heart and deeply, that he belongs to God, and then makes his thoughts align with what is in his heart, then this Christian will understand easily. It will grow and go beyond all limits.
Anyone who doesn’t know he’s redeemed, who doesn’t know he belongs to God, when his pastor goes to pray for him, nothing will happen. For he doubts his foundation, he doubts his belonging to God. And when it’s like that, there’s no assurance, no faith, no intimacy with God. His Christian life will be weak.
A child born 15 years ago is not aware of what happened when he was born.
It’s only after several years that the day he was born, the hospital, the town…and sometimes until he’s 4 or 5, that the child begins to understand that he has a birthday.
Just because he didn’t know about it until he was 5, doesn’t mean the truth has been erased.
And from this age onwards, the child will start to remember, and even talk about it: “My birthday is in 2 weeks etc.”.
Because he believed what he was told, he relies on it every year to celebrate his birthday.
That’s the foundation. Everything has one.
For the Christian, it’s the same thing.
But when the foundation isn’t clear, the Christian won’t be strong. He will doubt: “when did I start with God, when were my papers signed, when was I accepted as a child of God, what promises are attached to it?…
Those who don’t know all this are confused. They don’t know the content of their covenant, nor the grace, nor the power…that go with it.
And when it’s like that, prayer doesn’t flow, the Christian life is difficult, there’s no power in the Christian’s praise or worship…
Because they’re not sure about the foundation.
Jesus said, “I have redeemed you. You belong to me.”
So we have to look at it in spirit.
We now belong to the Lord of lords, the King of kings, the Almighty God, the One who makes and breaks all things.
For this to be true in us, it must be more than just words. But all our behavior must be a function of this. It has to be rooted in our spirit, because that’s where the miracles, the restoration, the presence of the Lord take place…
Everything the Christian does has to be in relation to this reality, and he has to work at it. Because the world will fight this truth.
He must repeat this truth to himself, remind himself of it at all times, convince himself of it.
And the more he does this, the more the old nature will disappear and the new nature will gradually take hold, because of man’s slowness.
And when he prays, saying in God, I belong to you, it must not be light, but clear in him, for in this Rock there is everything.
Our God searches hearts and minds to see if the person is real. All our thoughts are before Him. We can’t hide.
When the Christian says: “Lord, bless me – touch me”, but without truly seeking God’s interest, then this is a spiritual fault. It doesn’t work, because it belongs to God.
Beloved, we were created by God and belong to Him, but because of sin we have been separated from Him.
And He came to redeem us, so we must glorify Him in everything.
When the Christian prays, for example, saying to God, “Lord, touch me, bless me”, knowing that he truly belongs to God. It would be as if the Lord had to bless Himself.
Bless me, the “me” must be put for God.
So, if God sees that He is true, that His words are profound, then He will move in the Christian’s life.
It’s at this point that we can see that our prayer becomes easy, and this is the proof of it.
For all our prayers we must know that we belong to God, leaning on that Rock.
God blesses those who belong to Him, so that glory may return to Him.
We are one with the Lord and we must see ourselves, perceive ourselves in God.
The buy-back is where it all begins. We become children of God, and we must seek the Kingdom of God. We are justified by faith, which is based on the Word.
The foundation of our justification is that we have been redeemed, we are one with Him. Because God is just, He has justified us. He is in His atmosphere and He changes our atmosphere too.
We are the temple of the Holy Spirit, He is within us.
Many people have developed a spirit of independence. And this perception weakens, wearies their walk with the Lord.
The Father must be glorified by our prayers. Let’s not forget that everything is about Him. And in this we are blessed.
The devil had succeeded in manipulating Adam and Eve’s thoughts by letting them know that they didn’t need God, just themselves. He told them, you will become like God. Let’s take a look at what this has caused…
God’s way is to go back to the beginning, knowing that :
- God is God.
- We can’t live without Him.
It must be total and firm.
We each need to work on this within ourselves. We need to stay on God’s path, talking to him every day, crying out to him: “Lord, I belong to you, may your nature be totally in me; I’ve wasted so much time in the world; I’ve been damaged. Lord, I know you will restore me so that I can love you better, for my love is not complete…”
The intention behind our prayer is very important. It can be good or bad, but we must know it, discern it in ourselves.
For all those who are oppressed by the enemy, those who have impure dreams… For these demons to leave for good, this is the way to practice.
The only person to whom our lives belong is Jesus. And if we really belong to Jesus. He’ll make sure the darkness doesn’t control us.
If you don’t control your intentions, someone else will control them for you. Which is not good.
That’s why some people see themselves having sex with demons, who have taken on human faces.
And then, when the Christian wakes up, it’s as if he can’t even react. All because his will is not controlled.
This means that the Christian’s spirit is weak. He doesn’t control anything.
Jesus redeemed us so that we could control our own will.
Beloved, we must get out of here.
Galatians 3 .13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”.
In Jesus, every curse is destroyed. When Jesus redeemed us, the devil’s name was erased from our lives.
Your spirit is no longer your property, lean on the Rock, look at the intentions behind your words, pray and destroy all evil with firmness in the name of your owner Jesus.
In the same way, if we fall ill or in any other situation, we must not worry, but always stand on the Rock.
Beloved, when we pray for our rights or anything else, we must stay on the foundation:
First, to know that we belong to God.
Secondly, we must seek God’s interest and not have selfish desires.
If these two elements are in us, when we pray, we will already have joy, assurance and faith.
The intention for which we pray must be solely the interest of our Redeemer. We must let Jesus guide us in all things.
From this moment on, we must pray with firmness based on the spirit, the strength, the position, the dominion of the One who redeemed us.
Lord, I belong to you.
Touch me, bless me Lord.
Lord, restore your nature in me.
I declare that I am in Jesus, I am victorious.
May no demon be able to touch this body of yours.
Lord, I belong to you.
My soul is awake, I am enlightened.
I am blessed with all kinds of blessings.
I have the thoughts of Jesus, I am strong.
Lord, you have redeemed me. Be glorified every day.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.