Friday, October 11, 2024
Apostle Billey.
1 corinthians 6.20
For you were bought at a price; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
If we understand this, it will save us completely.
We must do everything with faith. Our faith comes from the fact that Jesus has redeemed us. Because he told us so we believe it. It’s very simple.
If to have salvation you had to pay a certain amount, say $1000, everyone would go out and buy and that would be that.
But we weren’t bought at the price of money at the price of life.
1 Peter 1.
18 knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers,
19 but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
What God has decided for us is simply to believe what He says.
Faith itself is a mystery, even to angels. And it was through the church that they understood and glorified God.
It’s important that we learn to understand God’s way.
Consider this,
You plant a mango tree and the fruit begins to bear.
This mango tree belongs entirely to the owner, as do the mangoes.
We belong 100% to God. We mustn’t understand this in an intellectual way, in a human way.
But it has to be in us 100% and even 200%.
The fact that we have given our lives to the Lord is no accident; it is Christ who has redeemed us.
We have to change our mindset, our way of seeing things.
The Rock is spiritual, not physical. It’s when we refer to the foundation that we speak of rock.
Everything on this earth has and must have a foundation, or it will crumble.
Anything that stands on a foundation will last a long time.
Even the sun and the moon have a foundation. Their foundation is the Word of God.
Genesis 1.
16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.
And God’s word keeps the sun and moon in their proper places every day.
So for us, what holds us in place as children of God, as redeemed, as people who can enter God’s presence, is what we call the Rock, the Word revealed in our hearts.
That’s what God says, that’s what we stand on. We have to work at this within ourselves, deeply and steadily.
In the car, you have to keep praying to declare this truth: “I am redeemed, I am a child of God, I belong to God…” Until the word comes alive in you.
I must learn to proclaim my identity, at all times and in all places. Let the whole world know what happened.
Who is to ensure that the world hears this truth? It’s you.
If we listen to what God says in a diplomatic way, we won’t see anything, it won’t be real.
But if your heart receives this word within you, it becomes fire within you.
You then understand that you’ve been redeemed, that you’re now with Jesus, and that there are some things that no longer need to be in my life. You refuse to be the same person…
The Rock must be strong within us.
Consider this,
Suppose a king calls a homeless person into his home, his palace.
Will it be comfortable?
No, this homeless person won’t feel comfortable walking in with his clothes soiled and torn. For in the king’s palace, everything shines, everything is majestic, everything is clean.
He won’t be able to sit down because his clothes are dirty.
To appreciate Jesus, you have to know who you are.
To appreciate grace, you have to know where you come from.
To appreciate forgiveness, you have to know the state you’re in, the state of sin you were in.
The sinner who does not recognize his sin, forgiveness will say nothing to him.
He who does not know the state of his fall, his misery, the fact of being redeemed will tell him nothing.
But for someone in hell, if he hears that in two minutes God is going to get him out of hell, he’ll rejoice. Even if we tell him it’s only possible in a year’s time, he’ll start looking forward to it.
Many still don’t appreciate the fact that Jesus saved us, redeemed us. For they did not yet realize the state they were in, the consequences of sin, the gravity of being detached from God.
Someone who has been thirsty for 3 months, if given water, will be deeply grateful.
And even after drinking, he remains grateful for the rest of his life, remembering the act.
The greatest gift God can give anyone is eternal life.
It’s not the money.
What’s after life? What happens after death? Nothing else.
These are the two extremes.
But today, someone can have eternal life in Jesus and it doesn’t mean anything to him, he doesn’t take it seriously. To the point where, there is no faith in him. That’s why the devil attacks us.
Beloved, we must work to put into ourselves what God is saying to us. Because the word is what gives faith.
Jesus redeemed us, and everything is connected to that: faith, assurance, God’s love. It helps us understand why we pray, why we go to church, why we serve God.
So we save our lives and help others to be saved.
We need to open our hearts to God, telling him everything, even our weaknesses.
“Lord, sometimes I doubt you, I’m distracted, save me from this situation…”
When we tell him what he is in us, he will deliver us, he will rescue us. For those who pray in this way are aware of God’s existence, of eternal life, of their relationship with God.
God saved us so that we could go to his paradise, his heaven. And not to create our own heaven.
God is not our judge, but wants to help us. In our weaknesses, he will rescue us.
If, for example, I realize that I’ve forgotten the preaching, the Word of God that I received with joy, but not other worldly things, my bank account number or whatever… Then there’s something wrong in my life, so I have to cry out to God.
Beloved, let us go to God in our weaknesses, he will lift us up. And in our strength, he will make us even stronger. God is here with us.
The mango tree belongs entirely to the owner, as do the mangoes. This is how we belong to God, including our children, spouses, everything that is ours, everything.
Those who know this law will pray accordingly, and God’s hand will be everywhere.
What’s in God’s hand is secure, but what’s in our hands is not secure, it’s weak.
Does anyone have the right to come and cut down the owner’s mango tree?
No, absolutely not.
Nothing can take us away from the hand of Jesus.
Jonh 10.
28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.
Nothing can separate us from our Redeemer.
Romans 8.
35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
Brother, sister, you must pray deeply for the Word to penetrate your heart, until the Word is real inside you.
“Lord I am yours, may your word be in me, may everything that attacks the word in my life be destroyed… I declare that what is in Jesus must be in me…”
When the word is no longer in a man’s heart, it means that there is a system in this world that has attacked him. Let’s be aware of that.
Beloved, the world attacks the word by what it shows, by what it makes us hear: distraction, work, the world.
So much so that man’s heart is no longer set on what is real, but on what is fleeting.
What is eternal, the Christian does not make an effort to keep.
The world is a trap.
For example, we go to school 6 to 8 hours a day for many years to get a job.
On average, 2 to 3 years in kindergarten, 5 years in primary school, 7 years in junior high and high school, 3 to 5 years in university, and even longer depending on the type of degree.
At the very least, 17-18 years of schooling up to university level, and almost 20 years for a bac +5 (master’s degree).
And all this for a sufficient income, close to $60,000, $70,000 or $80,000 …
Every parent encourages their child to do this, and that’s a good thing. We encourage them to get money.
If we have to devote 6 to 8 hours a day to money, either to go to work or to go to school;
Beloved, how much more must we do this to have eternal life, to know God, God’s greatness, God’s power, to walk with God?
But why can’t we pray every day? So how come we can’t manage to pray for an hour, or even 30 minutes a day?
Yet we find the time to go to school, to work, even working overtime to earn money.
The world is a program to destroy humanity.
The Christian must have his eyes open to these things, we must put God first. Our relationship with the Lord must come first.
When a tree bears fruit, we don’t cut it down, we keep it carefully. People need to say thank you to God for the fruits of our lives.
Lord Jesus, you are the foundation of my life.
My Redeemer, I am yours.
Let your word be in me,
May everything that attacks your word in my life be destroyed.
I declare that what is in Jesus must be in me.
For I belong to you, I am with you.
May my life glorify you,
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.