Sunday, October 27, 2024.
Apostle BILLEY.
1 Corinthians 6.20
For you were bought at a price; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
Because we have been redeemed, we do not belong to this world; we are the light of the world.
This Word is our foundation.
And what’s more, we must learn to look at our brothers or sisters as a person belonging to God.
We need to see them through God’s eyes as His possession.
By doing so, we won’t see the physical aspect, we might see God’s goodness, God’s glory. You’ll realize God’s love for this person and feel love and joy.
This is so when we look at it through the eyes of the Lord. Beloved, if you look at yourself through the eyes of the Lord, you will be victorious and you will progress.
We are redeemed, we belong to him, which is why we worship the Lord.
And everything we do must be for the glory of God. Everything, without exception: when we serve, wake up, sleep, dress, work, etc.
Everything is for the glory of God, because our identity has changed, since the Lord Jesus redeemed us for His Father.
If we understand this, we will destroy the power of sin, we will overcome the power of witchcraft and every kind of evil spirit, hatred, anxiety, sadness… will be destroyed.
For we will be in the dimension of God and not of anxiety, hatred and all those things.
1 Corinthians 6:20 is our foundation. Any writing similar to this is our foundation. The Lord has redeemed us and we belong to him.
It has to be deeply rooted in us, in our soul, even in our dreams.
We belong to the Lord, that’s why we are children of God. John 1.12-13
We are redeemed, which is why the Lord has justified us. Romans 3.28.
All this must be clear in our minds. And the clearer this is within us, the more boldly we can pray and move forward in our spiritual life.
And because we are redeemed, we can enter God’s presence with boldness.
If you don’t pray, you haven’t been redeemed , or if you’re a Christian, you don’t know the blessing that comes with your calling.
We can enter God’s presence at any time, because we belong to God.
As a Christian, if you find it difficult to enter God’s presence or to pray, it means that you are under attack, that spirits of darkness are against you.
What to do?
Remember who you are. You are a child of God, justified, you have access to God’s presence, you are reconciled, you are holy, blameless… Not by yourself, but by the One who redeemed you, Jesus Christ.
Who can justify? He is the One who is just.
If a judge according to this world justifies you, his justice cannot take you to heaven. But when God justifies you, you become blameless.
The fact that God has redeemed you, you need to be aware of it and lean on it to make all kinds of prayers. And meditate on it deeply, think about it constantly. The more you do this, the more it will take root in you.
It is because we are redeemed that we are healed. 1 Peter 2.24-25.
1 Peter 2.24 l who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.
We have to learn to let the foundation enter us every day, long before any situation.
Otherwise, at the time of the situation or illness, it will be difficult.
But when the foundation is rooted in us, even when we’re sick, we stand on the Rock to declare and pray based on it: “This body has been redeemed, you sickness, you have no place, get out of my body…”
Our foundation is not human, it is of God.
No matter how powerful, how strong, how big the spirits of darkness are against you, if you stand on this foundation, on the Rock firmly, they won’t be able to bring you down. You’re going to win absolutely.
The reason you are the light of the world is because you have been redeemed.
You must see yourself redeemed at all times. This is also why we are blessed.
Ephesians 1.3 Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ!
Beloved, in everything, in our daily lives, we must keep this mindset.
And even before you pray, always stand on the rock, remember God’s blessings and praise him.
He who is in you is greater than all. He redeemed you.
1 John 4.4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
If a Christian can’t overcome sin, there’s something wrong.
For the plan of redemption is total and complete. The message of the cross is sufficient for all eternity. It’s all in there.
Whoever is in deep darkness, if he accepts this message, he will come out of the darkness, he will be completely delivered. Sin cannot have dominion over him.
Someone can drive cars, have possessions, but be in bonds, darkness, have no joy, no peace, ….
Society cannot liberate, money, material goods do not liberate… The only one who liberates is Jesus Christ, His Word.
In the New Covenant, we are blessed because we have access to God’s presence at all times, but very few go there. We must learn to go into His presence.
Because you are redeemed, born again, you are one with God. 1 Corinthians 6.17.
Beloved, the name of the Lord Jesus is upon you.
Consider this:
I have something for you and I’ve decided to give it to you. From the moment I decide it’s for you, I open my mouth and say: it’s for you. Automatically, in the spiritual world, your name is written on it.
Physically, it doesn’t show, but spiritually your name is on it.
So whoever comes to take what’s yours will be a thief.
So when Jesus says, I have redeemed you, you belong to Me. His name is written all over you. You belong to Him and no one else.
You need to be aware of this.
If you accept this truth and live according to it, you will be able to live according to the spirit, according to Romans 8:12, according to the revelation of the Lord.
Satan will come to tempt you, to tell you lots of things to make you doubt, to manipulate you. It’s normal, it’s part of the game. In a soccer match, there are two teams. So is the spiritual game, so Satan plays his game.
But you, no matter what the temptation, no matter what the test, you must remember that you have been redeemed and that the name of the Father, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit is upon you. You belong to him. Stand firm and live by the spirit. You are spirit, so live according to what the Lord has told you.
By standing on the foundation, on the rock, you must drive out the devil and destroy his schemes. Your position must be clear.
Unless you use the power within you, no one will know you’re powerful. The Word is very powerful. But unless you declare it, you won’t see its power.
Every time you’re tempted, every time you see yourself in confusion, you’re under attack.
The problem for Christians is not knowing how to discern the voice of God or of the enemy.
Any thought you receive that prevents you from moving forward comes from the enemy. We must condemn this immediately. You must preserve your relationship with the Lord.
Eve was tempted by the word, the serpent spoke, she heard and confusion began.
The Lord is Spirit, we cannot see Him physically, we must walk with Him in spirit.
How do you do it?
Know that your body was created by God. And it was Jesus who redeemed us. Realize then that God never lies, everything He says is true. So you accept that and start walking according to what He says.
The day you gave your life to the Lord Jesus, did you receive a physical identity card?
It’s not physical, it’s spiritual. It has to be in the back of your mind.
That’s why the Holy Spirit is there to convince us of our identity with the Lord.
The Lord says, now you are my child, seek the Kingdom of God. Matthew 6.33.
None of this is visible. So how do you search? It’s through the Word.
For example, Jesus says, I give you my authority, my power. As soon as you understand this and use this power within yourself, you are using the power of the Kingdom, because you are part of that Kingdom.
How are we justified?
We don’t receive a paper letter to confirm this, but we do receive the Word of God within us.
Everything starts with the Word. Through each Word you receive, the nature of God will be manifested in you. That’s why we have to be careful how we receive the Word.
Your greatness will depend on how you listen to God’s Word. God’s power in you, the way you’ll shine, is also a function of the way you receive the Word.
As for the healing in your life, it always depends on how you receive the Word.
Ps 107.20 He sent His word and healed them, And delivered them from their destructions.
Everything is well planned by the Lord through His Spirit. The Lord wants to visit you because you belong to him. Live and walk in the spirit.
Lord, I belong to you,
May everything in me glorify you.
I am a child of God.
I am a member of the kingdom of God, because I belong to God.
Then I can enter God’s presence at any time.
I am blessed with every kind of blessing.
The curse is removed from my life, from my home…
My owner is bigger than anything else.
Since I belong to God, I live according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh.
My redeemer is Spirit, so I live in spirit.
Lord, you have redeemed me. May my life glorify you every day.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.