Friday, November 8, 2024.
Apostle BILLEY.
Psalm 33.
5 He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.
7 He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deep in storehouses.
Beloved, the goodness of the Lord fills the earth.
The Christian must seek to know how this is possible, look for explanations to deeply understand what this means.
We need to know that before we came to earth, God’s goodness was there.
Everything that exists is created by Him, fruit, medicines, vitamins…He forgives us unceasingly, He heals our wounds.
When you hurt yourself, the blood flows and eventually stops. Who does this? This is God’s goodness.
Our homes are filled with God’s goodness: the fridge, the microwave, the appliances… All these things are because God has allowed them to be there. For the source of everything is God, who created everything, just as man was created by God.
There are trees everywhere, animals all over the earth, even in the desert. God’s glory is visible.
The clouds are active in watering the earth. Animals, insects… All this is God’s goodness.
When we eat the digestion mechanism, it’s God’s goodness.
Even the snake can swallow a gazelle with its horns, but it won’t die; that’s part of God’s power.
According to Romans 1 and 2, God’s glory can be seen everywhere.
And this is also how we look at brothers and sisters as God’s property.
It’s with this same perception that we look at God, the earth and everything on it.
God’s greatness is everywhere. If we’re not grateful, we’ll keep asking for the things we’ve already received.
The money we have is made with paper, which is made from trees or cotton. So if God hadn’t created trees and cotton, there’d be no money.
Man didn’t create anything, he manufactures it.
He mixes colors, materials… and it’s all part of God’s greatness.
Even a country, a nation where everyone is a witch and evil, there is God’s goodness upon them. For the Lord allows them to eat. They will sow things and God will allow the rain to come and water so they can feed themselves. The Lord preserve their lives, otherwise they will die and go to hell.
Yet, after eating, they insult God. But because of His patience, the Lord expects them to turn to Him, the prodigal sons to return to Him, which is why He does not cut them off.
God doesn’t want us to develop hatred against our enemies, because He doesn’t hate them. The same goes for our brothers and sisters.
So, looking at all this, we can only praise God.
The body can absorb what we eat. Even our brains can store billions more bits of information than a computer. With our eyes, we can see the sun, even though it’s thousands of kilometers away.
The water we drink comes from God. We are healthy thanks to God, even after drinking rainwater. It’s His air we breathe every day.
This is why we must love God, for His goodness fills the earth.
Let’s keep God’s peace in our homes, our families, our church.
Psalm 33
8 Let all the earth fear the Lord !
Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him!
9 For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.
10 The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect.
11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations.
We have to be very vigilant. For in this world, there are many things to drive men to evil.
Not everything we hear on radio and television is to the glory of God.
We must reject evil in all its forms in our nations: lying, abortion, homosexuality, perversion, fraud…These things lead to the curse.
The earth belongs to God and its inhabitants must fear God.
All it takes is for a few Christians to stand up and pray.
Redeemed, you are powerful.
Christians are not just anybody: when they pray, God answers.
Beloved, we must be aware that as the redeemed, our prayers are vital.
We need to pray for our homes, our children, our schools, our governments.
We are the light in this world. Let us pray for spiritual revival in our nations.
Our power is valid and active for the whole world. Imagine the power that is concentrated in our homes, because you are with Jesus.
The Lord is greater than what we see or think. Let’s open our minds to His greatness.
If you’ve won against an elephant, you won’t be afraid to go to war against a gazelle.
When what is in your life is at the level of the nation, what can the neighborhood do against you?
Even at night, when we’re asleep, let’s not let demons circulate around us; we must kill them.
Truth comes from God. This means the base is solid.
Now, lies come from the devil, which means that the foundation is not solid.
Fear not, for that which comes from the devil is not strong. Stand on the Rock, you are connected to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, destroy any attack from the enemy.
Lord, I belong to you.
Your glory fills the earth.
The earth is full of your goodness.
You are the God who answers the prayers of your people.
I give you all the glory.
Let your word dwell in my heart.
Let my heart be turned to you.
May everything in me that fights your word be destroyed.
May any demon who tries to visit me be killed immediately in Jesus’ name.
May everything that slows down the effect of your word in me be reversed.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.