Friday, September 27, 2024.

Apostle BILLEY.

1 Corinthians 6.20

For you were bought at a price; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Redemption must be very strong within us.

There’s a reason God redeemed us.

If we can perceive this, know these reasons, we can move forward, to the next step easily with God.

If we know the reasons, the intentions for which, God has redeemed us then we are blessed.

** Beloved, let us consider this:

A person buys a car for a variety of reasons, and these reasons guide their decision, their choice. Even when he or she hasn’t bought the car yet, he sees the importance of this purchase. His reasons are in his heart, he perceives in his heart all he can do with this car.

The car will therefore have a special place in his heart, depending on why he bought it.

We are redeemed by God. To go up to another level with Him, we need to know the reasons for this redemption, even partially. And this must be clear and deeply rooted in us.

God does not speak in vain; the reason He redeemed us is very strong in Him.

Whoever perceives the reason in God’s heart, will be advancing to a higher level with God.

His way of seeing things changes, of working, of praising, of praying, of seeing people… changes.

Everything in his behavior, his attitude, will change.

Why does a person buy a car?

For example, to go to work, to visit his brothers, to do his shopping, etc.

These reasons are in his heart.

If the car were to speak and think, it must seek to know what is in its owner’s heart.

And as the car comes to understand, it comes to know what’s in its owner’s heart.

Should the car go against its owner?

No, otherwise there will be a disagreement with the owner.

If the car then begins to make itself available to its owner, what level will it reach?

It will be linked to its owner.

So if this car obeys its owner, then the owner will take care of the car.

He will wash it, maintain it, cover it with a tarpaulin in rainy or snowy weather…

Who benefits? To the car, since its owner takes care of it.

If this car could pray and talk, then it would be more available to its boss.

So, as long as this car knows what the owner wants, it’s going to live a long time. Indeed, when the car breaks down, the owner will do everything in his power to repair it. He’s going to spend a lot of money to keep this car in good condition.

Jesus redeemed me for a reason. And if I know the reason, and I pray according to that reason. I’ll be united with my Redeemer, God will see that His child’s thoughts are in tune with Him.

It’s very important to understand redemption, it’s the foundation of everything, it’s a Rock.


Throughout the Bible, when we speak of regeneration, justification…We speak first of redemption.

The reason Jesus justifies us is because he redeemed us. God loves us and calls us his children, for he has redeemed us.

The reason why the Lord forgives us every time, after our conversion, is because we belong to Him.

He protects us every day; we are his children. On a natural level, we continue to protect our children even when they have done wrong, so how much more so does our God do this for us whom he has redeemed.

1 Corinthians 6:20 is a rock for us, it’s a river.

It’s not an expression, we need to understand this deeply.

To know what is in the heart of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

When you position yourself on the Rock, your prayer will be deep and powerful. You’ll be able to easily destroy any work of the enemy; For God’s strength will invade you deeply.

The church is not an association of people who are redeemed. But they are God’s own chosen ones, from his heart.

When God chooses you, who can reject you? (Romans 8:31)

Let’s not take our redemption by God lightly, but meditate on it deeply.

It’s a river, and you can’t empty a river, because its source comes from God.

Every Word of God is a river that flows from Him. And every time I understand what He’s telling me, that’s when the reconciliation, the relationship with God begins. For we would have known his heart.

That’s why we need to know at least a few things about God’s heart.

In the case of the car, if it’s ready to go every time to work or for a visit, the owner will be happy.

But if this car refuses to run, every time the owner needs it, he’ll be unhappy. He’ll want to get rid of it and replace it with a new car.

Beloved, don’t be replaced.

When God asks you to do something, do it promptly, without delay.

It’s on earth that we work for God. We are redeemed for a reason.

We’re not in this country to look for money, but to serve God, to be available for our Redeemer.

The power of your prayer does not depend on your worries. By worrying, your prayer can’t be strong.

But our prayer must be made, to ensure that we have been able to satisfy our owner Jesus. In other words, do I live as He wants, do I pray, praise, serve Him … as He wishes?

The Lord has given us the ability to think, to meditate… We need to let His Words enter us, so that we can emerge strengthened.

For example, knowing that, God is in you; If you listen with your heart, you’ll be strong.

Not only can you hear this Word from God the Father, from Jesus, from the Holy Spirit, from a brother or sister, from your pastor, but also from yourself.

So much so that each of us is surrounded by strength, by the Presence of God…

** Beloved, let us consider this other case:

John works for a company and has done everything he can to find out what his boss, the company director, wants.

He understood and knew that his boss wanted 80% of production done. This is his boss’s concern.

So John urges people to work well, and when he sees people lazily going about their work, he encourages them to get up… Because he knows the director’s heart.

Continuing to do so will attract his boss’s attention.

And for us, it’s how we get God’s attention.

Jesus has redeemed us, it’s an opportunity, it’s an open door, we must enter it and keep walking through it.

If we understand that, we’ll make progress.

When the director wants to appoint someone as production manager, he’ll think of John.

This is what God does when He has a mission to entrust, a task to do. He will choose and entrust it to the person who understands his heart.

God’s heart is before our eyes, we know His will, His thoughts.

So we must pray accordingly, and even ask Him for help in doing His will.

You mustn’t try to stay in a comfort zone. Where there’s work to be done, we don’t run away, because it’s an opportunity to be blessed.

We don’t have to see ourselves as excluded or distant from God, but we are created in his image and his redemption delivers us. Knowing God’s heart ensures our deliverance from all blindness.

Beloved, practice His Will, for you know what God expects of you, the position of your heart must be in relation to that.


Father, download your soul into me

May your Word be downloaded to me

You have redeemed me for You.

Help me to glorify you every day.

Lord, I am your temple.

May my soul remain connected to You,

I want to have a real relationship with you.

Lord Jesus, HELP ME to love you deeply

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

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