Sunday, August 4, 2024-Apostle BILLEY

Ephesians 5.8
Once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

The Lord Jesus told us that the foundation of the church must be built on the revelation of his word. Not the written word, but the living Word, the one that is explained.

The world, hell, diabolical power, Hades, darkness… will never prevail against his church, never against you.

Because the church is not the building, it’s all the redeemed, the born-again, the brothers and sisters in Christ.

So wherever the Christian is, the church is there.

Beloved, satanic forces cannot go against you, for you are built on the rock of the Word.

Mat 16.
18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

We are God’s temple.

It’s very important to understand that we need to maximize the word, the presence of God in our spirit so that we are strengthened, and our lives are no longer the same.

Every day that God gives us is an opportunity to do exploits with the Lord.

Life with God is not monotonous; it’s different from life in the world. It is full of his nature, full of things that the Christian must experience every day.

That’s why a true Christian is never boring.

Ephesians 5.8
Once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.

There’s the past and the present.

The past and the present cannot walk together. They must not be associated.

The past is made of darkness, while the present is made of light, the present is with Jesus.

Darkness and light cannot coexist.

And you’re one of the Children of Light.

Your Father is the Light; God is the Light, and in Him there is no darkness.

1 John 1.5 We have heard from him and proclaim to you that God is light, and in him there is no darkness.

It is also written, He who hates his brother is in darkness. (1 John 2.11)

What is darkness?

Hate is darkness, so it’s part of my past.

So there must be no more hatred in me, for in Christ there is no hatred.

Then he who is in darkness has no love in him.

God is Light and he is Love.

What is light?

It’s also the manifestation of love.

Darkness is the manifestation of hatred.

God says you are light.

This means we must love, accept and forgive one another.

We must be one as God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one.

In heaven, there are no divisions, no backbiting, no hatred or jealousy.
There is no spirit contrary to God.

All these things are activities of the kingdom of darkness.

Heaven begins on earth.

We are born to walk with God.

This world is a world of darkness.
There is no joy, it’s all abuse and darkness.

Jealousy, envy, hatred, hypocrisy, the love of money, immorality, impure relationships, witchcraft… these are the activities of darkness.

But love, forgiveness, justice, joy, peace, generosity, prayer life, sanctification… are all elements of the Light.

Beloved, wherever you are, you must be the light.

Light is powerful, but darkness is weak.

You can’t compare darkness and light.

Light existed much longer, before darkness existed.

The power of Light is such that darkness flees when it appears.

This is why it is said that the kingdom of darkness cannot prevail against its church. Matthew 16.18.

He who walks in love, in sanctification, he who keeps himself pure for God, he who consecrates himself to God, hell has no power over him.


For in this person is the light of God.

When we talk about light, we’re talking about God’s character, God’s nature.

So, when the person walks, we physically see a brother or sister moving around. But in reality, it’s God who walks in this person, heaven is in this person – to the point where hell, can’t bring it down.

Sadness and anguish are the work of darkness, but joy is the work of light.

He who is sad cannot praise God, for he is still in darkness. He is blinded by the prince of darkness.

2 Corinthians 4.4 for the unbelievers whose minds the god of this age has blinded, so that they do not see shining forth the splendor of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

But he who is joyful can praise God with all his heart.

Those in the light can see.

That’s why those who can see can act easily, walk quickly, because they can see.

And because they see, they know how to pray, they know how to walk, they know how to talk.

For it is what they see of God, that they ask, it is according to this that they speak.

They rely on what they see to exalt God, they know what God has kept in store for them and ask him for it.

Those who are in the light, ask with confidence, for they have seen before asking. And they know these things belong to them.

This is called prayer by faith.

He who prays has the light. He wants to redeem time.

This person doesn’t sleep; he talks to God with consistency and regularity.

Faith is what we see in the spirit.

God is present, He is there.

But those who are in darkness do not see Him; they are filled with doubt and anxiety…

But those who are in the light, see God, see the Word, then they draw near to Him; they talk to Him and ask when they have a need.

Two people can be together, but one is in the light and the other in the darkness.

Because everything happens inside.

The Word is light.
When we receive the Word, we receive light, so we receive God.

A person who receives the light, sees God, sees the Word; then this person cannot be stopped because of the dimension of God invested in his soul.

This person is aware that he or she is unique on this earth, and unique in heaven. She knows that there are things that God has kept for her, that she must accomplish.

Such a person doesn’t stop.
The strength within them comes from God.

Those who are in the light don’t stop, they are always asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to them the hidden things, the grace of each day…

They are never satisfied with God.

They don’t waste any time. The day the apostle Paul received Christ, the light, he never stopped.

His life was never the same.
He sought God.
So much so that he became a very famous Man of God.

Beloved, you are the light.
What you see is for you.
And with what you’ve received, you experiment.

It’s experience after experience that moves us forward with the Lord.

When we receive Jesus, we don’t stagnate.

We don’t stay in front of the TV most of the day. You don’t stay on the phone for 5 hours…

There’s nothing to be gained from all this.

Beloved, you must pray, not stop.

When you’re in the light, you cry out to God, you use your time.

God is the giver of strength – ask him for the strength to carry on every day.

A Christian who has no time for God is in darkness.

With God it’s speed, you don’t try to think about what he says with the human mentality.
Whatever he tells you, you take it again and again, without stopping. In other words, you take what he gives you day by day.

God never goes backwards.

With God, you move forward every day because you are the light.

Matthew 16.17
Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven.

Peter was told that Jesus is the Son of God – God, the GREAT GOD, Himself, revealed this to him.

So what is Peter to do with this revelation?

What Jesus wants to say to Peter is that this is what he must rely on every time.

So he must act on it, pray about it.

Let’s suppose it was today that he received this light.

So that same day, he must walk by it, pray, act, put into practice. So that, this Word is everywhere in him.

Because tomorrow, the Lord will give him something else.

If what God has given him, he neglects and does nothing with it. He only writes and deposits the revelation.
Will God speak again tomorrow?

No, and communication will weaken.

What God revealed to Peter was what we call light.

It’s the revelation of what we didn’t know – that’s what we call knowledge.
And knowledge is practice.

Knowledge that is not practiced becomes zero.

That’s why practice is what keeps the Christian going.

And the further he advances, the more his life grows and his life is connected to power.

** How does a man know when to marry a woman?

It was God who revealed to him that one must marry a woman.

God reveals things to us and we put them into practice.

Light is the knowledge of the word.

What is revealed, when we receive it, is our strength, our power. And we stand on it to act.

Those who feel alone also need revelation, to know that they are not alone.

Whoever is ill needs revelation in his spirit, to know that it is possible to be healed. Those who are afraid need to know that God is with them….

The light will destroy the darkness within him. This person will position himself to destroy the spirit of fear based on the revelation he has received.

And victory will come, because light is the power of God.

The devil is an agent of darkness, seeking to hide revelation. And the only thing that can defeat it is Light.

What we receive is the light of God’s word in our spirit.

So you must no longer be afraid, but stand firm, rejecting all suggestions and temptations from the enemy.

You are the light.

Matthew 5.14 You are the light of the world.
A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.

Beloved, Sadness, negativity, doubt, fear …you must no longer harbor them.

Fear will prevent you from doing things; it’s a mental prison.

Destroy that with the knowledge of the truth and move on.

You were born to walk with God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is also your God.
And he is very strong and powerful.

Change your way of thinking, of doing, in order to accept the truth.

Don’t let your thoughts keep you imprisoned in darkness, know that God is with you every day. He has a wonderful plan for you.

Consider this, when we pick the mango, we remove the skin in order to eat it – it’s sweet.

But take the leaves of this mango, the root or the bark, it’s bitter. And yet the fruit is sweet, God made it that way. Something sweet can come out of the bitter.

Stand firm in the Lord, don’t accept negativity, don’t accept that you are nothing, Jesus is extremely powerful!


Lord Jesus, you are my light,

Let your light shine brighter in my life

May every weapon used to fight my light be consumed.

May every weapon used to steal my joy, my peace, my strength be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

May all darkness in my life disappear in Jesus’ name.

Lord, enlighten me completely.

I’m one with you.

I am blessed, my week is blessed, my family is blessed…

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

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