Sunday, January 19, 2025.
Apostle Billey
Hebrews 8.10
For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
God’s covenant enables him to put His law into the minds and hearts of men. Once that’s done, they become His people.
Man is made up of three parts: spirit, soul (heart) and body.
Spirit and soul are invisible. Both are in the realm of the spirit, and the body is in the realm of the material, the physical.
God is Spirit, and He also has a soul. That’s why He can rejoice, feel, be angry…What God doesn’t have is the body.
We have a body to handle earthly things. But in heaven, we don’t need them, only the spiritual body, i.e. the spirit and soul.
Every human being must know that he or she is spirit. And the Christian must understand this, for victory lies in the realm of the spirit.
Bread, fruit, vegetables… can only nourish the body, but not the spirit and soul, i.e. the inner or spiritual man, who is eternal.
Many people don’t take care of the inner man. Yet it is spiritually that we have the victory. For the battle is spiritual.
Our spirit must then be strong. It must therefore be fed. But he doesn’t eat the banana, nor the bread, but only the word of God.
The victory of this inner man is linked to God. For God created him in His own image.
Jesus said in :
Matthew 4.4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’
This means that those who live on bread alone will be weakened. But he who eats God’s word will be strong and blessed.
God told David, Joshua, Paul… to keep the Word at all times.
The absence of the Word creates all kinds of weakness: oppression, depression, discouragement, lack of prayer, manipulation by evil spirits, anger, lack of vision…
That’s why our favorite food must be the Word.
Physically, you have to wait almost 24-26 years to be truly adult.
But spiritually, in 3 months or 3 years, you can become a spiritual adult.
So it doesn’t take long to grow spiritually. If we understand this, we will become giants in the faith. Then the territory, the nation, will be won over to Jesus.
Brothers, to nourish the body, we have many easily accessible restaurants, supermarkets of all kinds and everywhere. Everything is body-centric, just like clothing stores, advertising is body-centric…
Why is this so?
Because the enemy knows that if he leads humanity to focus on the body, then man will not be able to nourish his spirit.
And we find that stores for the spirit don’t exist. Stores that serve the Word, lead to praise, prayer….
Some people still manage to go to church on Sundays, but only for about two hours. And often nothing else all week.
So in this way, is it possible to have faith, to be strong, to be victorious? No.
God’s word is eternal. When we eat it, it stays in our spiritual system. And when we’ve kept it, kept it, then we become giants of the faith.
This will enable the Lord to communicate easily with us; it will enable us to discern good and evil, to be victorious in this dark world.
How can I access God’s Word?
Everything I’ve heard, everything I’ve read, everything I received on Sunday, everything I’ve meditated on personally, nourishes my spirit. And what’s more, I still have access to this Word in my mind.
So every time I remember the Word, I’m feeding my spirit. No matter where or when I am: at work, during meals, during my activities…
So I have access to the Word at all times. It doesn’t go stale, I can eat it with consistency.
And that will strengthen me, bless me and connect me more with my Creator, who is The Word.
So we need to seize every possible opportunity.
Many are weak because they don’t nourish their spirits.
When we nourish our spirit, we become sensitive to God’s voice.
Ezekiel 37
1 The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones.
Ezekiel was a man like us.
God, who is Spirit, took Ezekiel’s spirit and led him into a valley. While his body was perhaps in his room.
2 And he made me pass by them round about; and, behold, there were many of them on the surface of the valley, and they were utterly dry.
God moved with Ezekiel. Not with his body, but with his spirit. He walked with God spiritually. And he saw the bones with the eyes of his spirit.
Brethren, we communicate, listen and walk with God spiritually. And that’s where victory lies.
3 He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live again? And I said, Lord God, you know.
4 And he said unto me, Prophesy over these bones, and say unto them, O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.
We must understand that everything happens in the spirit.
In John 4:24 God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.
So it was the Father of our Lord Jesus who spoke to our brother Ezekiel to give him a mission. To speak so that the bones come back to life.
So which part should Ezekiel use to speak, which part should God use to perform this great miracle? Knowing that the spirit and soul are invisible, and the body alone is visible.
We need to be able to respond.
5 Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.
6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone.
What caused God to access Ezekiel’s life?
Connection with God is through the Word. And this allows us to regulate ourselves to God’s atmosphere.
Ezekiel had received the Word in his spirit, and this connected him to God.
So what Ezekiel says is not according to the body, but according to the spirit within him, which is the spirit of God, the Word. God created everything, and everything was created by the Word.
And when the Word that was in Ezekiel’s mind was released in the name of the One who gave him that Word, the miracle happened.
Let’s take a closer look at the process that brought about this miracle. What is this process?
1/ Remember that I am a spirit.
2/ Feed my spirit more than my body. Spiritual nourishment is accessible at all times by remembering the Word.
The connection is made every time we meditate, because God’s word is God.
3/ And when I pray, be aware that it’s the spirit that speaks to God.
Beloved, there is something great in God for us. Our generation has to change. The way people see God, Jesus has to change, as if He’s not capable.
Technology and science have taken man’s heart. To the point where man believes much more in technology and medicine than in God.
Man thinks that cars and planes are faster than God.
And when he prays, he doubts God’s ability and doesn’t think the Lord is capable of doing what He has said.
This is how humanity has become weak because they don’t feed the spirit with the Word.
The time has come for things to change, for you to know that God is God, and for you to let Him do what He wants with your life.
Let’s not let the world, the environment, technology kidnap us. Mind over technology.
The world, technology… pass away but the spirit of God is eternal. God’s mentality is eternal.
The knowledge of this world will disappear, but the knowledge of God is eternal. Faith, the Word of God in us…it’s eternal.
Brethren, let us consider God’s way in us, so that the Gentiles may know that God, the Father of our Lord Jesus, still exists, and it is He who is Hope.
Even some Christians doubt God because they prayed and it didn’t work. But that’s because the way they prayed wasn’t the right way, it was carnal.
God is there, He is present. And when He is present, everything is possible. It’s strength, the disease must go, the world bends its knees.
The Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and heaven must be pleased with us for letting the truth set us free.
We must walk in this truth every day. Nothing is impossible for our God.
I’m a spirit.
I was born of Almighty God.
I am a spirit of God’s heart.
I am victorious in Jesus’ name.
Lord, may Your Word be kept within me.
I destroy every spirit of forgetfulness in my life in Jesus’ name.
Lord Jesus, may my life glorify you.
My life is yours forever.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.