Romans 8. 28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Testimony :Beloved, our God is faithful!
Some time ago, I had some work done on my house.
And the contractors who did the work hadn’t finished and left the job undone.
I was very angry, not seeing them come back to finalize the work.
I tried to contact them several times to no avail.
Unfortunately, I had to re-sign.
And after a few weeks, they rang my doorbell one evening at 6pm.
It was a heavy rainy day.
When my daughter came to announce their arrival.
I was very surprised and went to welcome them, but with a cold heart inside me.
So they began their work.And at one point, looking to clean their paint brushes, they went to the back to do so.That’s when they noticed that a water pipe had completely broken.Calling me over to show me, they exclaimed: “Your God is strong! It’s a good thing we came by that day…”I was shocked, I hadn’t noticed it before – I was bummed.They valiantly decided to quickly repair the pipe and put everything back in order without charging me anything.
And so the gentlemen rolled up their sleeves even more and made all the necessary repairs.
Not forgetting to properly finalize all the work they had come to do.
I thanked them and they left.
Brothers, as soon as they left, I ran to the foot of the Lord.
I repented with all my heart.
For I had had so much anger and complaining in my heart during that time.
When, in fact, our all-knowing God himself had been in control to save me from major financial inconvenience.
In fact, they turned up at just the right time for me, and I didn’t have to pay a single penny.
They took care of everything for free.
Everything had been divinely resolved at the right time.Surely, God is the master of time and circumstance.I was so touched by this experience that I really understood how true it is:All things work together for the good of those who love God.
Romans 8.
28 Now we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.
Brethren, worry really must be rejected from our lives.
God is faithful and he loves us.
We absolutely must learn to trust it.
The Lord Jesus is so Faithful and Good! ALLELUIA!