Psalm 103.4. Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.


For many years, living in the hypocrisy of a nameless sadness in the face of loneliness. Accepting and walking bowed under the lies of the devil and this world, I had no taste for life.  And in the same period, I lost my job; then totally down, I thought I was going to die.

Praise be to God, the word of Life in Jesus Christ came to me and the love of God brought me out of this abyss.

Gradually, I let myself be taught and I discovered the deep love of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I was totally restored by His Word and now I live fully happy and fulfilled.

Yes, Jesus gives life and restores the soul, I am a witness! Hallelujah! The victory belongs to Him!

Sr L.

If you too are going through trouble, confusion, abandonment, rejection, shame, etc., know that Jesus is able to get you out of it because he is LIFE. Do not wait.

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