- We are committed to being Christ-Centered. Everything we are led to do will originate with Christ and flow from Christ.
- We are committed to being Christ-Focused. We will possess and activate the mind of Christ, focused on building the Kingdom of God and destroying the Kingdom of Satan.
We are committed to being Christ-Caring. We will possess and manifest the heart of Christ demonstrating compassion one for another.
- We are committed to being Christ-Sharing. We will communicate the gospel message with the saved and unsaved at every given opportunity.
- We are committed to being Christ-Loving. We will demonstrate unconditional love and a non-discriminatory attitude towards mankind, regardless of race, color, creed or denomination.
- We are committed to being Christ-Giving. We will operate from the principle in scripture that says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” We give our time, talents, and treasures as led by the Lord.
- We are committed to being Christ-Glorifying. Whatever we are led to do, will be done heartily as unto the Lord so that He will be glorified.