What is a path?
It is a means that allows us to reach a goal. It is the way by which we pass, that we take to arrive at another place, another city. In other words, anything that allows us to get from point A to point B. It can be physical or in words and instructions.
A child who is in school is on the way to school with the goal of becoming a teacher, doctor, researcher, pilot… This is called the path of education. Thus, his social life should improve.
However, does the human school prevent home turmoil, depression, sadness, social crises of all kinds?
The path for life is very important.
The school, the university do not teach the way of God. Mathematics, science, philosophy…all these do not teach the things of the spirit.
The way of God is the only one that allows us to avoid mistakes, problems, situations that can degenerate in the home, the family, the nation.
All those who want to know God must enroll in the school of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It is the only school where you can learn the things of God.
Where do we find the school of Christ to enroll in?
Simply in the word of God, the bible.
There are several books in this school. In particular the gospels, the letters, stories, stories of kings…
In the bible, there is everything we need on earth to live harmoniously with God; to live in victory, in fulfillment, and in peace.
All those who seek, read, meditate on the word of God and decide to follow it, we say: « they are on the way to God, at the school of Christ » .
The way where each one is, it is there that he will receive his result, his good or bad reward. The word of God is truly the way of good rewards. Joshua 1,7- 8.
Jos.1,7. …that you may prosper wherever you go. 8. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success …
Jesus said: «I am the Way, the Truth and the Life …» John 14,6
He did not say a way, but the Way, to say, there is no other way. it is the only way to find hope in any situation because in him is peace, joy, rest. Yes, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is:
- the Mediator,
- the Prince of peace,
- the Counselor,
- the Admirable,
- the Admirable,
- Our righteousness!
One day this world will pass away and we will end our days on earth. But where will you go?
It is possible for you today to choose the life-giving path in Jesus Christ by saying this prayer: « Lord Jesus, I have heard your word, I believe that you love me. I ask your forgiveness for all my sins. Blot out my sins with your precious blood. I renounce all other ways. I want to follow your Way, the Truth, and have Life. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.Amen! »